FST is a digital health technology company specialising in software development,
integration services and digital healthcare technology consulting.


  • 25 years of developing software products and solutions
  • 300M devices with FST software embedded
  • A global network of technology partners


  • 5 years focused on creating disruptive healthcare technology
  • Solutions for remote patient monitoring
  • Data acquisition integrations including medical sensors, specialist cameras & wireless medical devices
  • Firmware for medical devices and sensors
  • Cloud collection of acquired data
  • EMR integrations
  • FHIR based solutions
  • Secure interoperable solutions

FST Vision & Values

Interoperable digital health software solutions

Mission - Fluffy Spider Technologies


Improve people’s health through smart connected software.

- Fluffy Spider Technologies


To drive the future of digital healthcare through intelligent, interoperable, software systems.


- Fluffy Spider Technologies

Robi Karp

Chief Executive Officer

Technology is reaching a stage where its application to healthcare can have a marked benefit to our lives. 

Sensors are getting smaller, wireless connectivity is becoming ubiquitous, patient privacy is in the spotlight and vendors are providing APIs for integration. But intelligent software is needed to provide connectivity and interoperability, make the user experience frictionless, deliver analyses and offer predictions. By developing end to end software solutions for digital health that are smart, FST is solving real world healthcare problems. We see ourselves as a unique and key player in the global healthcare ecosystem, offering products and services that beneficially impact people’s health today.”

We are at the forefront of the Digital Healthcare revolution, where the most important element of the ecosystem is being put at the centre of it all – the Patient.

All the systems, processes, methodologies and solutions used in the current healthcare system need to be re-architected from the point of view of the person receiving the healthcare service. We at FST are passionate about creating healthcare technology solutions which has interoperability as the essence and which enables further the cause of a patient-driven and patient-centric healthcare system.”

- Fluffy Spider Technologies

Anup Nidhanee

Chief Operating Officer

Meet Our Advisors

- Fluffy Spider Technologies

Dr. Michael Georgeff

Non-Executive Board Member @ Epworth Foundation

Professor @ Monash University (Faculty of Medicine)

Executive Chairman
Sicura Health

Pioneer in the field of AI, former CEO and founder of Precedence Healthcare (bought by Sonic Health), CEO of Australian AI Institute, Program Director of AI at SRI International (Stanford Research Institute).

- Fluffy Spider Technologies

Dr. Ruth Salom

Consultant @ Salom Consulting

Executive Director (Medical)
Sicura Health

Medical Practitioner, former Executive Director of South Australia Pathology (6000 medical staff), KPMG National Health Director, Telstra Health Head of Integrated Solutions, CEO of Barwon Health.

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Silvio Salom

Non-Executive Director @ Toys’R’Us

Chairman @ CLIK Collective

Executive Director (Commercial)
Sicura Health

Serial Entrepreneur, founder and former CEO of numerous software businesses operating globally across multitude of markets.

- Fluffy Spider Technologies

Rahul Kumar

Co-Founder & CEO
Resonate Business Ignition


The team would love to speak with you to discuss how they can deliver the outcomes you need to succeed.